web design ⁝ brkfst dance company



  • BRKFST Dance Company is a St. Paul/Minneapolis-based performance arts collective founded in 2014.
  • As a self-funded dance ensemble, brkfstdance.com provided us with a unique opportunity to work together to design a bold yet professional website for grant applications, upcoming event listings, performance archive, and contact information.

Primary Objectives

Showcase a highly visual overview of the collective's work with a focus on photography from past performances

Feature a current list of upcoming events/performances

Feature a list of links to view past performance footage

Provide contact and donation information

UI Design

  • Event Pages

    With an understanding that the company’s performance/event calendar would not exceed more than twice per season on average, a simple listed layout was designed to bring focus on their most significant, upcoming performances.

  • Upon clicking on an event title, an event detail page showcases a graphic, image, or flyer that represents the concept of the performance. On scroll, a parallax effect reveals a brief description about the performance and a link to access tickets or learn more about the event via the venue or ticket vendor.
  • Archive Page

    For site maintenance purposes and consistency, the collective's archival content was also reduced to a list of titles leading to external links of videos that are hosted on other platforms.

  • To add visual interest to the page, a thumbnail image from each event/performance was designed to be shown on hover.
  • About Page

    An informational page was designed to bring emphasis on the mission of the collective’s company as a whole and the members and their individual experiences that bring them together as a unified ensemble.

  • Contact Page

    The contact page was a great opportunity to design something graphic and uncoventional to access the company’s only preferred point of contact and newsletter sign-up link.

  • Donate Page

    A page was also designed to include information on how a user can support the company through various methods of donation.

  • Responsive Design

    It was also important to ensure the design of the site was responsive as it scales down to smaller screen sizes.

  • At a breakpoint of 770px (~tablet), the fixed, left menu translates off the page and is replaced with a fixed, horizontal navigation bar at the top of the page.
  • At a breakpoint of 500px (~mobile), the layout and typesetting were adjusted furthermore.





Client ⁝ Lisa Berman, BRKFST Dance Company

Web Design & Dev ⁝ Teresa Tran
